There are many things our residents love about Rancho Sahuarita; like the amazing sunsets, beautiful lakeside views, and various community events. They now have a chance to show their pride in the community or in Arizona, with Long Realty’s “Why I Love Arizona” photo contest.
Rancho Sahuarita is teaming up with other businesses to sponsor the contest, in which participants can submit photos of what they love about Arizona to from now until February 22nd, 2013. Photos can be submitted in categories like Landscape/Scenic, (which Rancho Sahuarita is sponsoring) Buildings/Landmarks, Sports/Action, and Community Events.
A full list of the categories, the prizes for each, and their sponsors is available on the website. For example, if participants submit a photo of something Landscape or Scenic, they will be entered for the chance to win Rancho Sahuarita’s prize, which includes a Rancho Sahuarita Backpack Chair, hat, and windbreaker, as well as other outdoor items like an outdoor magazine, mini-lantern, nutrition bars, and more.
After February 22nd, the photos will be evaluated by a panel of judges, who will select the best 10 in each category. Then beginning on March 11th, the public is invited to vote for their favorites in each category. The voting will remain open until March 29th. The winner in each will win that category’s prize, and the photo with the most overall votes will win $1926 in cash! Don’t miss this chance to participate in this great photo contest, and show what you love about Arizona.