With the kids out of school and the temperatures on the rise, families might be looking for new ideas and inspiration for how to spend time together during the summer months.
While hitting the pool, playing a sport or squeezing in an early morning workout are all great ideas, there are lots of other ways that you can pass the time inside or in the shade as a break from summer’s sun.
Start with the things that your family enjoys and think of fun games, projects, or fun new habits that you can make your own. Here are a few fun items we thought of to get your wheels turning:
- The season for summer is also the season for lots of delicious fruits and vegetables– making it a great time to test out new recipes for meals and snacks.
- Make an outdoor fort in your backyard patio! Or in your living room! There are a lot of children, (and adults) that are sure to find this activity fun!
- Just because it’s summertime doesn’t mean that learning has to stop. Make it a priority and plan to read at least 10 new books with your children (or even, by yourself!) Then come up with fun ways to reward or celebrate completing that goal.
- Volunteer! Remember that all the local organizations that need your help the rest of the year don’t take a summer vacation, so it’s a great time to take time out and give giving back a try.
- Make a fun summer craft. Everything from finger painting and coloring, to popsicle stick projects and papier mache is fair game, and you can find lots of good suggestions for how to get started on sites like Pinterest. Plus, adults can craft – DIY home projects count too!
Make a list that’s all your own, and something that every member of your family can be part of. Or come up with different activities that different members of your family can break off and do together to spend time together and bond. No matter how you spend it, be sure to make the summer season one filled with fun, whether that’s fun in the sun, or fun in your family room!