Schwarz Family

Residents Since 2007

The Schwarz family moved to Rancho Sahuarita in July of 2007. The family chose Rancho Sahuarita for its close proximity to their work location, the beautiful neighborhoods and the abundant family activities in the community.

Originally from Indonesia, Margaretha came to the US for her studies in Electrical Engineering. Dwight grew up in Kansas where he pursued a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Shortly after, the couple started their careers and met while working at the same company in Kokomo, Indiana.

Dwight and Margaretha have three children, Amanda, Erica, and Ryan who all graduated from Sahuarita High School. Amanda and Erica each received the honor of being Valedictorians. Ryan, their youngest, graduated from the Air Force Academy and is currently serving in the US Space Force. Amanda is employed as an Architect for the Disney Corporation in California, and Erica is a postdoctoral researcher at Yale University.

The couple has enjoyed watching their kids grow up and being a part of the community through activities and social gatherings. After retirement, Dwight enjoys using the Fitness Center, while Margetha really enjoys all the amazing Health and Wellness classes available. They share that “Rancho Sahuarita is a great place to live and enjoy Arizona’s beautiful climate, whether you’re raising a family or are empty nesters like us. Between the Clubhouse, planned activities for young and old, and the numerous trails, there’s always something going on.”