Economic development in the Town of Sahuarita is a key component for the continued growth and success of the area. As the country continues to move out of recession and finds ways to rebuild national, regional, and local economies, the Sahuarita Town Council’s top priority is to create opportunity for economic growth in the Santa Cruz Valley.
Led by Mayor Duane Blumberg and Vice Mayor Bill Bracco, Town officials are prepared to take action on the local level to ensure a successful recovery by spearheading economic development initiatives and by the eliminating unnecessary roadblocks and barriers that hinder growth.
Mayor Blumberg believes Town initiatives can help businesses prosper and expand. He emphasizes the importance of helping existing businesses succeed and facilitating the construction of public infrastructure that draws new companies to the region, and attracts consumer spending from other areas. Blumberg said of the matter, “Our goal is to make Sahuarita a regional shopping and entertainment destination that increases economic activity.” He also favors diversification and creating a well-paid workforce within the Town limits.
As a small business owner, Vice Mayor Bracco believes that simplifying procedures should enable local businesses and programs to grow the economy. Bracco’s depth of real-world, business experience highlights his focus on the importance of excellence in customer service and delivery. He believes that through an improved dialogue with the business community, future commercial and employment opportunities will be created in the Town.
Bracco also knows the significance of capitalizing on competitive advantages that set Sahuarita apart from other municipalities in the region. He commented, “We have several competitive advantages. I believe our location and proximity to the boarder is a big advantage for future economic development.” He added, “Our educated work force is also a major advantage and along with our business-friendly council and its commitment to keeping costs under control and maintaining a positive balance sheet for the Town.”
Bracco summed up his thoughts and goals for what he would like to accomplish while he is on the Council by saying, “Personally, my goals deal with keeping government cost effective and looking for ways to save money for the Town.” He continued.” “I am also focused on the customer-facing organizations that interface directly with our constituents, businesses, builders and service providers. My immediate goals are to make those contacts as efficient and as effective as possible.” Bracco concluded, “As far as articulating my long term goals, it is more of a team effort, with all of the Council members meeting in December to ‘define’ our collective goals and working together to achieve our objectives in the coming year.”
Residents of the Town can also do their part to help foster economic growth. By shopping locally and patronizing businesses that are located within the boundaries of the Town, residents can help to ensure employment opportunities for their friends and neighbors. Shopping locally also generates sales tax revenue on products and services in Sahuarita that allows for the continued delivery of Town services and further neighborhood enhancements. The Town of Sahuarita has developed and implemented Shop Local campaigns, encouraging residents to choose Sahuarita instead of driving to Tucson or beyond for the things they need.
Victor Gonzalez, the new Economic Development Manager for the Town of Sahuarita, also has a focus on promoting the continued growth of the Town’s commercial offerings. He is excited to pursue potential opportunities for the Town in his new role and he is eager to contribute to implement policies that will bring those opportunities here. Gonzalez said “My commitment to the Town of Sahuarita is to create, as well as to facilitate successful economic development projects that in turn will provide economic growth and increase the quality of life of its residents. I truly believe that Sahuarita is unique as ’A Place of Choice, A Place of Growth’.