This is the 9th in a series of posts highlighting Rancho Sahuarita and the amenities that make it a great place for families. Look for other posts to come in the next few months!
Located just along the Safari Trail is the Butterfly Garden. Not only does this picturesque little garden have its own set of benches and walkways, but it is completed by being full decked with plants and green spaces designed to attract one of nature’s most beautiful creatures. The Garden was created as another way to add interest and beauty to the community’s already extensive trail system. Many weekend afternoons can be spent watching families enjoy the space, which conveniently wraps along the same pathways shared by the nearby Satellite Park, pool and greenways.
But that’s not all…because that area is about to get even more interesting….
Our last amenity blog post – our #1 amenity – will be our newest amenity. The planned Armed Forces Tribute and new Flamingo Splash Pad at the Parque del Rio is coming in Summer of 2016! Check back on next month’s blog post to get more details and the inside scoop on what’s planned for these new attractions in our community.